♦ If your child traveling abroad:
» Learn about where the child will stay abroad, with address and phone data.
» Check the tickets and especially that the child has return ticket, airline, dates and flight times.
♦ If you issue a travel authorization, it is convenient you make it:
» For certain periods of time.
» Indicating that authorization is only for holiday purposes.
» For each particular trip, with transcription of the destination and date of departure and return.
♦ If you fear that your child may be removed or retained abroad by the other parent:
» Revoke travel authorizations granted to the majority.
» Go to the judicial authorities and request the following:
Determination of custody and right of access for the parent not cohabitant.
Prohibition from leaving the country.
Delivery of passports and other travel documents.
If the child traveling abroad with one parent: Ask the judge to require the parent information about the travel itinerary, passport data of the parent and the child, where the child will stay abroad, contact abroad, and to require the delivery of copies of airline tickets.
If your child will travel to visit the parent residing abroad: Report the address and phone of the parent abroad, details of his/her work, family and friends abroad; Ask the judge an order to record the arrival and departure of the child at the Embassy of the destination country; Ask the judge an order to present the child to the law enforcement authorities of the foreign location where it will remain for visits, etc.
What to do in an international abduction?
♦ Do not waste time, in such cases you must act quickly.
♦ If your country has ratified the Hague Convention of 1980 on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, or the Inter-American Convention on International Return of Children, may establish procedures that provide these treaties.
♦ You must go or immediately contact the Central Authority of your country (In Argentina: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship - International Legal Assistance Department - Office of the Legal Adviser: 1212 Esmeralda Street - 4th floor - Of. 402, (1007) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telephone number: +54 (11) 4819 7385. Fax: +54 (11) 4819 7353; Web site:; E-mail:
♦ You must complete a standard form provided by the Central Authority. You can download it from the Internet (for Argentina in
♦ You must present the documentation that prove the parental bond (birth certificate), habitual residence in the country (school certificates, medical books, health insurance, sports clubs, etc.), and custody or right access (agreements or court decisions).
♦ The process is free and should be started before the first anniversary of wrongful removal or retention, or since learned of the whereabouts of the child.
♦ It is advisable to consult a lawyer specializing in international issues for guidance and advice.
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